I know the last couple of years have been rough and things keep changing but hopefully this year will be easier and go more smoothly for everyone and that we will all have a fantastic year!!
Some things to know:
- Students do not have to purchase school supplies! The school will be providing school supplies for all students this year.
- Students will be issued a technological device (laptop, Chromebook, or tablet). Students will be required to bring their devices to school daily and are responsible if anything happens to it or any accessory items like chargers or cases.
One more important thing: Please remember that, while it may not always be visible on the outside, a lot of people (grown-ups and kids too) are going through difficult times or may be struggling with something. While it may not be you right now, it could be someday and I ask that we all give grace, kindness and empathy to those we interact with daily.
Let's make the world a better place, one gracious act and kind word at a time.
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